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Contact: Colin Parent
Cell: (858) 442-7374
[email protected]

Autonomous/Connected Vehicles Forum in San Diego September 28, 2017

Circulate San Diego’s forum on Autonomous/Connected Vehicles will feature Mayor Faulconer and leaders from SANDAG and Caltrans.

What: Autonomous/ Connected Vehicles Forum. Full Program here:  

When: Thursday, September 28, 2017 | 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM

Where:  San Diego Public Library, 9th Floor Shiley Event Center, 330 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101, CA 92101. Press check-in at 9th floor with registration desk.

Who:  Speakers will include a diverse array of experts on transportation planning, land use, and more.

 - Hon. Kevin Faulconer, Mayor of the City of San Diego (9:30 AM)

 - Susan A. Shaheen, Ph.D., Co-Director, Transportation Sustainability Research Center at U.C. Berkeley (9:00 AM)

 - Kome Ajise, Chief Deputy Director, California Department of Transportation (12:45 PM)

 - Major Brandon Newell, Chair, Mobility Transformation, Marine Corps Installations Command (11:30 AM)

Why:  In January 2017, the U.S. Department of Transportation designated the San Diego region as one of ten proving grounds for autonomous vehicles in the nation. The region has advanced features in its local transportation network and a global reputation as a high-tech hub for research and wireless innovations.

Organized by Circulate San Diego, a land use and transportation think tank, the forum will focus on how autonomous vehicles have the potential to impact transportation planning, land uses, and street safety.

The Autonomous/ Connected Vehicles Forum is co-sponsored by Circulate San Diego, SANDAG, Caltrans, CleanTech San Diego, the Cites of San Diego and Chula Vista, Lyft, Seabreeze Properties, CDM Smith, IBI Consulting, Sudburry Properties, Falcon Strategies, Baldwin and Sons, among others.
