Circulate San Diego and Vision Zero Coalition Allies Call on City Council to Follow Through on IBA Recommendation To Add $785,000 To #FixTheFatal15
Contact: Will Moore, Policy Counsel, Circulate San Diego - 858-210-7999 | [email protected]
Throughout this year’s budget process, Circulate San Diego and our Vision Zero Coalition allies have highlighted the worst intersections in San Diego, the Fatal 15. We have urged cost-effective recommendations for their improvement.
In prior years, Mayor Faulconer funded fixes for the Fatal 15, for which he was widely praised in the press. This year, we were pleased to see eight of the Fatal 15 slated for rehabilitation the draft budgets released by Mayor Gloria. But we were disappointed that this meant “Seven Deadly Leftovers” would remain in their dangerous condition.
Fortunately, every member of the City Council responded by highlighting the need to improve street safety for pedestrians – almost all of them calling out Vision Zero and the Fatal 15 by name in their May budget memos.
On June 4, 2024, the Independent Budget Analyst released a report analyzing those councilmember priorities. Thankfully, the IBA suggested that additional amounts be “appropriated to eligible existing Vision Zero - Fixing the Most Dangerous Intersection capital projects” in the amount of $785,000, as requested by our coalition. This is a step on the way to a victory for road safety.
On Friday, June 7, 2024, the City Council Budget Committee will have the opportunity to make San Diego safer by adopting that IBA recommendation. Circulate and our Vision Zero Coalition allies urge them to follow through by adopting the modification outlined on p. 6 of the June 4 IBA report – dedicating $785,000 to fund Vision Zero and #FixTheFatal15.
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit think tank dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to www.circulatesd.org.