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PRESS CONFERENCE: Rally to Fix The Fatal 15 with Families for Safe Streets San Diego and BikeSD

Contact: Jeremy Bloom, Chief Operating Officer, Circulate San Diego, 315-250-9199, [email protected]

When: Friday, May 31, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Where: Corner of Market St. and 19th St., San Diego, CA 92102


  • Michelle Gonzalez of Families for Safe Streets San Diego
  • Anar Salayev of BikeSD

What: On Friday, May 31 at 1:00 p.m, Families for Safe Streets San Diego and BikeSD will lead a rally against traffic violence at the intersection of Market and 19th Street in San Diego.

Market and 19th is one of the Fatal 15 intersections – the deadliest intersections in San Diego. It’s where Families for Safe Streets San Diego member Katie Gordon’s husband Jason was struck by a car and killed while he was walking to the store. He is survived by Katie and their one-year-old twin daughters.

Nearly 50 pedestrians and cyclists lose their lives in traffic crashes in San Diego every year. San Diego committed to Vision Zero in 2015, but pedestrian deaths remain stubbornly high.

Advocates have called upon the City of San Diego to Fix the Fatal 15. But the planned 2025 budget only fixes eight of the intersections. This means the Seven Deadly Leftovers will linger in their dangerous state for another year.

Families for Safe Streets San Diego is a group of San Diego families who have lost loved ones to traffic violence while they were walking or biking. BikeSD is a community organization dedicated to the improvement of bicycle infrastructure in San Diego.

Visuals: Family members of pedestrians and cyclists killed in traffic violence, Pictures of victims, a dangerous Fatal 15 intersection, Bike SD President Anar Salayev, Michelle Gonzalez of Families for Safe Streets, Jeremy Bloom of Circulate San Diego

A downloadable pdf of this Media Advisory is here.


About Circulate San Diego

Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit think tank dedicated to advancing mobility andmaking the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creatinggreat mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promotesustainable growth. For more information, go to

About Families for Safe Streets San Diego

Families for Safe Streets San Diego is a group of families who have lost loved ones to traffic crashes or been affected ourselves. Through our stories and advocacy, we seek physical improvements on our streets, policy changes and the rapid implementation of Vision Zero. For more information, go to