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We are proud to share that Circulate San Diego was named nonprofit of the year by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez for the 80th Assembly District.

Assemblymember Gonzalez has been a major change agent in the region for transportation. She led the effort to reform SANDAG and the Metropolitan Transit System boards with her groundbreaking bill AB 805. Gonzalez also co-authored AB 744 which reduced parking minimums for bonus projects that include on-site affordable homes.

Please help us celebrate the recognition from Assemblymember Gonzalez by making a contribution to Circulate San Diego:

Her award recognizes that Circulate San Diego is another agent of change in the region. We are successfully pushing for more crosswalks to achieve Vision Zero, affordable development on public lands, and for democracy and equity in community planning.

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Thank you for your support. With your help, we can make San Diego more affordable, economically vibrant, and safer for the environment.



Colin Parent
Executive Director and General Counsel
Circulate San Diego