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OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Programming

Unlike those traveling in vehicles with seat belts, air bags and other safety features, bicyclists and pedestrians do not have the same level of protection and are more vulnerable every time they are on the road. The OTS programs target all age groups to raise awareness about traffic rules, rights, and responsibilities whether you are driving, walking, or bicycling. Specifically, programs are designed for high-risk populations, including youth and older community members, in an effort to teach safer alternate transportation behaviors. Activities for youth include bicycle trainings and walking courses to build skills that make children comfortable getting to and from school. Additional outreach targets underserved and older communities to identify safety issues and demonstrate best safety practices in real time.

Circulate, with funding from OTS, has partnered with the City of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, County of San Diego, and San Diego State University to deliver bicycle and pedestrian safety programming.To learn more about these programs, check out our pages below.

County of San Diego - OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program

City of San Diego - OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program

City of Chula Vista - OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program

San Diego State University - OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program