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Public Policy


Great cities don’t just happen, they’re planned. Circulate San Diego recently launched #PlanDiego, a region-wide initiative to make planning and land use smarter, more inclusive, and fun!

Great cities don’t just happen, they’re planned. Circulate San Diego recently launched #PlanDiego, a region-wide initiative to make planning and land use smarter, more inclusive, and fun!

Circulate San Diego will be releasing a series of position papers, hosting panel discussions, and organizing community events to elevate the discussion of planning and land use throughout the San Diego region.

Below are just a few examples of the type of land use and planning efforts undertaken by Circulate San Diego. Our #PlanDiego effort will build on these successes to help improve San Diego.

Advocacy about Land Use and Affordability:
Resources and Training for Joining Community Planning Groups:
Research on Key Land Use Issues in San Diego:

In the coming months, stay tuned for a variety of research publications and community engagement events, including:

  • A significant research report on how the City of San Diego can implement transit oriented development
  • Panel Discussion: How Community Planning Groups can help achieve the City of San Diego's TOD and climate goals
  • A series of "state of the regulation" papers identifying barriers to smart growth in our region