FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 30, 2022
Contact: Colin Parent
619-567-6856 | [email protected]
Circulate San Diego recently completed two walking field trips with students and staff at Hoover High School to identify infrastructure improvements that will enhance pedestrian safety near the school campus.
The field trips are an effort by Circulate San Diego in partnership with the San Diego Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety to provide pedestrian, bicycle, and scooter safety programming for users of all ages and abilities. Photos from the field trips are attached to this release.
Based on data projections from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), 7,485 people, or an average of 20 people every day, died after being struck by a vehicle last year – an 11.5% increase from 2020 and a 40-year high.
Hoover High School was identified as a target school for walking field trips because of its location on El Cajon Boulevard, one of San Diego’s high-injury corridors. According to the University of California Berkeley's Transportation Injury Mapping System, there were 105 crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists between 2016 and 2020 near the school.
Approximately 30 students and staff participated in the walking field trips. They were eager to discuss observed conditions as well as the various ways that they could become leaders and advocates for change, which is evidenced by some of their current course work.
On El Cajon Boulevard between Highland and Chamoune avenues, the city of San Diego is currently working to slow vehicular speeds and to improve pedestrian conditions. This includes the construction of raised medians, curb extensions, curb ramps, new pavement markings, and sidewalk improvements, among others. As part of this, a midblock crossing is currently under construction in front of Hoover High School, which will allow students and others to safely cross in this location.
“The construction of the midblock crossing in front of Hoover High School will help slow speeds, reducing the severity of crashes, and is in line with the city of San Diego’s Vision Zero Strategy,” said Circulate San Diego Associate Planner Octavio Garcia. “Hoover High School students and staff are excited for the completion of the midblock crossing and were engaged throughout the walking field trips identifying ways to continue improving pedestrian safety around their campus.”
The California Office of Traffic Safety offers the following safe driving and walking tips, including staying off the phone when behind the wheel or walking, to help ensure the safety of all roadway users.
- Do not speed, and slow down at intersections. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks.
- Avoid blocking crosswalks while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
- Never drive impaired.
- Be predictable. Use signalized crosswalks where drivers may anticipate foot traffic.
- Watch for approaching vehicles and be careful crossing the street. At 30 mph, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop.
- Make it easier for drivers to see you at night – wear light colors, reflective material and use a flashlight.
- Be careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night or on busier streets with higher speed limits.
Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.