FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 11, 2019
Contact: Maya Rosas, Circulate San Diego |
Arun Prem, FACT |
310-804-5256 |
760-849-8030 |
New Circulate San Diego Report Released on the Regional Impact of Specialized Transportation Provider FACT
Today Circulate San Diego is releasing its latest report on the impact of Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation (FACT) in the San Diego Region. FACT is a cost-effective specialized transportation provider that fills transportation gaps through their dial-a-ride service, RideFACT.
The report, “Leveraging FACT: Impact of Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation (FACT) in the San Diego Region,” is available online now and customers of FACT’s transportation service are available for interviews.
“Leveraging FACT” analyzes demographic and geographic data from FACT’s service over the course of one year to identify what San Diego communities are in need of specialized transportation. Circulate’s analysis shows:
- FACT’s customer base self-identify as people with disabilities, almost equally split between low income and not low income people, and mostly 60 years old or older.
- Most trips provided by RideFACT are for medical purposes, at a combined 60 percent of all documented trips. Social trips are the second most common purpose.
- RideFACT is able to provide trips at well below the national average cost per trip for similar programs.
- RideFACT is the only subsidized transportation service for seniors and people with disabilities operating Countywide, including the 18 Cities.
“Freedom of movement is vital to maintain a high quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities,” said Maya Rosas, Director of Policy for Circulate San Diego. “This report identifies how FACT is providing transportation for some of San Diego’s must vulnerable populations.”
For questions relating to the report, contact Maya Rosas, Circulate San Diego. For questions relating to FACT, or to interview a FACT rider, contact Arun Prem, FACT.
The report is available in PDF and mobile-first formats online: http://www.circulatesd.org/FACT
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional non-profit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn, and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to www.circulatesd.org.
About FACT
Facilitating Access and Coordinated Transportation (FACT), is a nonprofit agency formed in 2005, and in 2006 designated by SANDAG to coordinate public, nonprofit, private and other transportation services in San Diego County. FACT seeks to improve access to transportation for seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans, and the income disadvantaged and fill gaps in existing services. RideFACT is a low cost transportation service that provides general purpose trips for seniors (60+) 7 days a week, 7am – 8pm. RideFACT is available in all cities in San Diego County as well as Ramona and Spring Valley. Reservations may be requested by calling FACT at (888) 924-3228 between 9am – 4pm. RideFACT is funded by Transnet Senior Mini Grants.