Circulator - 07/31/2015
The Inner Circle:
Michelle Luellen, Project CoordinatorDuring Michelle Luellen's first year working at Circulate San Diego, she has done everything from conducting community walks in Spanish to co-authoring a strategic planning report for the organization. As a Project Coordinator, Michelle's work includes promoting walking and biking from Chula Vista to Carlsbad while also writing Safe Routes to School outreach and activity plans for San Ysidro and Lemon Grove. Read about Michelle's contribution to Circulate here.
Circulator: New Report on TransNet, The Toll of Unsafe Streets, #VisionZero Bike Ride
Circulate Releases TransNet Today:
Report on SANDAG's Flexibility to Advance Transit
On Wednesday, Circulate San Diego released a groundbreaking report titled TransNet Today, which details the significant funding flexibility that SANDAG has to advance public transportation construction in the San Diego region. The report is available on our mobile-friendly website or as a pdf.
TransNet Today identifies the tools that SANDAG can use to implement the TransNet Ordinance, and leverage other state and federal funding sources to develop a regional transportation network that will help San Diego meet its long-term climate goals while improving the transit experience for more than 95 million passenger trips per year.
Along with TransNet Today, Circulate San Diego simultaneously released two formal letters responding to SANDAG’s draft Regional Plan:- Environmental Analysis Comment Letter: Circulate San Diego’s comment letter explains why SANDAG’s draft environmental analysis for their Regional Plan fails to analyze feasible alternatives that are consistent with SANDAG’s flexibility to implement TransNet, as outlined in Transnet Today.
- Regional Plan Comment Letter: Circulate San Diego’s letter regarding the Regional Plan requests that SANDAG advance transit and active transportation projects, without amending TransNet, as TransNet Today explains can be done.