Letter: Development of Revenue Constrained Network Scenarios and Network Performance Measures
Circulate San Diego wrote a letter to the SANDAG Board of Directors regarding the development of the 2019 Regional Plan revenue-constrained network scenarios. Circulate recommends the development of a revenue-constrained transit-advancing network scenario and Network Performance Measures that include an analysis of compliance with adopted Climate Action Plans across the region.
Read the letter here [PDF].
Policy Letter: Final Comments Regarding 2015 Draft Regional Plan
Unfortunately, we must recommend that SANDAG Board members vote against adoption of the 2015 Draft Regional Plan in its current form because it does not adequately advance transit and active transportation projects.
Despite these differences, Circulate San Diego believes that the SANDAG Board can and should move forward with a region-wide Quality of Life revenue measure in 2016 that includes provisions and funding to advance transit and active transportation projects. [PDF]
Policy Letter: Comments on SANDAG's 2015 Draft Regional Plan
Summary of Letter:
Circulate San Diego is asking the SANDAG Board to make modest, valuable, and achievable changes to the 2015 Draft Regional Plan to improve transportation and land uses in the region. Our request is organized around five main ideas.1. Circulate San Diego cannot support a Regional Plan that would prevent the region from reaching the GHG reduction goals in Governor’s Executive Order S-3-05.
2. Circulate San Diego is not asking TransNet to be amended.
3. For San Diego to remain competitive with State and Federal funding, it must accelerate early transit and active transportation projects.
4. SANDAG has a variety of mechanisms available to pay for the advancement of transit and active transportation.
5. Circulate San Diego would support a Regional Plan that advances key projects that benefit the region.