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Circulate San Diego’s Momentum Awards recognize the people and projects in the San Diego region that are improving our quality of life by advancing forward-thinking multi-modal transportation choices, better connectivity, and vibrant, healthy communities. To purchase a ticket for Circulate San Diego's 2017 Gala, visit our main event page.

Local Hero
  1. Ilisa Goldman - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  2. Pauly De Bartolo
  3. Peder Norby
Citizen Award
  1. Harry Mathis - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  2. Barry Pollard
Innovation Award
  1. Compass Cloud/ Compass Cash, Metropolitan Transit System
  2. Performance Audit of the City of San Diego’s Programs Responsible for Improving Pedestrian Safety, City of San Diego
  3. Free Ride Everywhere Downtown - FRED, The Free Ride, LLC.
  4. Uptown Gateway Collaboration Team, Uptown Gateway Collaboration Team
  5. Downtown BRT Stations, SANDAG - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  6. El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
Connectivity Award
  1. Trolley to Terminal Shuttle Service, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
  2. City of National City, CA Signage and Wayfinding Plan, City of National City
  3. Armorlite Drive Smart Growth Improvement Project, City of San Marcos - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  4. Santa Fe Pedestrian Undercrossing, City of Encinitas
  5. 14th Street Promenade Master Plan, Civic San Diego
  6. The Caltrans SR 15 Commuter Bikeway
  7. The City Heights Canyons Loop Trail led by the San Diego Canyonlands - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
Healthy Community
  1. King Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project, City of La Mesa
  2. Paradise Creek I Apartments, Community HousingWorks and Related CA - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  3. Kate Mahoney, UC San Diego, Center for Community Health
  4. Healthy Chula Vista, City of Chula Vista
  5. Liberty Station, McMillin
Complete Streets Award
  1. A Avenue Green Street, City of National City
  2. South Santa Fe Streetscape, City of Vista - *2017 Momentum Award Winner*
  3. Transportation Engineering Operations: University Avenue, City of San Diego