Get Involved
Join us for events we organize throughout the community.
30th Street Corridor Pedestrian Audit
Join us on February 21st, alongside the North Park Community Planning Group, as we observe the walking and biking conditions along 30th... RSVP -
City Heights Evening Pedestrian Audit
Join us on February 25th, alongside City Heights CDC, as we observe the walking and biking conditions in City Heights!... RSVP -
Age and Disability-Friendly Mobility Presentation
Join us on Tuesday, April 29 at 11:00 AM for our safety-oriented presentation at the Lakeside Community Center. We will... RSVP -
Defensive Driving Presentation
Join us on Tuesday, May 6 at 11:00 AM for our safety-oriented presentation at the Lakeside Community Center. We will... RSVP -
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Presentation
Join us on Tuesday, May 13 at 11:00 AM for our safety-oriented presentation at the Lakeside Community Center. We will... RSVP