Community planning groups are an important mechanism for determining how the City of San Diego will grow and develop. Circulate San Diego is encouraging a diverse group of committed individuals to participate in the City’s community planning groups.
The San Diego City Council adopted community planning group reform on September 13, 2022. It was the culmination of years of effort and advocacy by Circulate San Diego:
- Our report "Democracy in Planning," with recommendations on how to make community planning more fair and accessible. [February 12, 2018]
- Our legal memo to the City Attorney on how the current structure of community planning may run afoul of both the City Charter and the California Political Reform Act. [April 04, 2019]
The response from the City Attorney in a memorandum. [December 3, 2019]
Councilmember Scott Sherman formed a task force to review Democracy in Planning, a Grand Jury report, and City Auditor's report recommendations on community planning reform and provide recommendations for reform to City Council. City Council's Land Use and Housing Committee voted to move forward 31 reforms that the task force recommended. [December 5, 2019]
Our Memo on Options for the City Council on Community Planning Group Reform [March 05, 2020]
Our policy letter on Support for Community Planning Groups and Housing Production During COVID-19 [May 27, 2020]
- Our first coalition letter in support of Councilmember LaCava's proposed reforms. [March 9, 2022]
- Our second coalition letter in support of Councilmember LaCava's proposed reforms. [September 12, 2022]
- Our press release celebrating San Diego's win on community planning group reform. [September 13, 2022]
Get involved:
Follow these below steps to prepare yourself to serve your neighborhood.
Find your Community Planning Group on the City of San Diego’s list: The City of San Diego maintains a complete list of community planning groups here.
Attend a Community Planning Committee in January, February and March: To become eligible for elections in March, or just to find out more, attend at least one meeting.
Review Circulate San Diego’s Guide for How to Serve on Community Planning Groups: Find tips and suggestions, as well as an overview of the process.
Review the community planners committee eligibility requirements for each community planning group: Each community planning group has their own special requirements.
Stay Informed: Sign up for email distribution lists for San Diego's individual Community Planning Groups.
Sustainable Growth Community Planners
If you are a member of a Community Planning Group, you can join the Sustainable Growth Community Planners! Meet like-minded people and help advance an inclusive vision for your neighborhood.
Questions? Contact:
Colin Parent
Executive Director and General Counsel for Circulate San Diego