Our Mission
To create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.
What We Do
Circulate San Diego works to promote
- Public Transit
- Safe Streets
- Sustainable Growth
Why We Do What We Do
We believe transportation and land use policies should work for everyone, not just some. The region’s transportation system should be safe, convenient, accessible, and affordable for all, particularly for disadvantaged populations. Land use policy should allow current and future generations to enjoy the benefits of sustainable growth, while making meaningful efforts to minimize economic or physical displacement.
We believe transportation and land use policy should encourage economic growth, shared broadly. Transportation systems should facilitate connections between homes and jobs, benefiting businesses and the workers they employ. Land use policy should encourage investment and growth, and create productive uses of land and transportation investments.
We believe public policy should support the availability of many diverse transportation choices, especially for walking, cycling, rolling, and transit. While automobiles have a role in transportation, convenience for cars should not preclude access to viable options to use other modes.
We believe transportation and land use choices are crucial to environmental protection. A transportation network that promotes transit, walking, cycling, and rolling reduces greenhouse gas emissions, limits pollution, and protects undeveloped habitat.
We believe transportation and land uses should encourage physical activity, clean air, and safe use of our streets and roads by all modes of transportation.
How We Do What We Do
We often partner with local governments, school districts, private planning firms, and other nonprofits to create planning and community engagement programs. Our work includes Safe Routes to School projects, community workshops, civic engagement activities, pedestrian safety training, and the development of transportation planning documents.
We are also advocates for public policy. We work to promote transportation choices and sustainable land use policies at cities, regional governments, and on the State and Federal levels.
Our History
Circulate San Diego is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created in 2014 by the merger of WalkSanDiego and Move San Diego. While working in the same neighborhoods toward similar goals, the organizations saw an opportunity to better serve the San Diego region by coming together to advocate for better transportation and more sustainable land use choices in our communities.