* Author was a speaker at Circulate San Diego’s Autonomous/ Connected Vehicles on September 28, 2017
- Driverless Car Market Watch (2017) Top Misconceptions of Autonomous Cars and Self-Driving Vehicles
- Forbes (2017) Autonomous Vehicles: Moving Forward
- Bloomberg Technology (2016) Exec: Most Lyft Rides Will Be in Autonomous Cars in 5 Years
- CityLab (2015) https://www.citylab.com/life/2015/04/7-benefits-and-1-huge-problem-with-a-world-of-driverless-taxis/391952/
- Talking Points on the Impact of AV on Land Use ( 2017)* http://www.circulatesd.org/gary_london_on_autonomous_vehicles.
- Todd Littman (2017) Autonomous Vehicles Implementation Predictions: Implications for Transport Planning
- Enotrans (2017) An “Unprecedented Mobility Revolution?” We’ve Been Here Before
- Future Structure (2017) Autonomous Vehicles' Future May Be Further Away, Different Than Imagined
- Stuart Cohen (2016) Can We Advance Social Equity with Shared, Autonomous and Electric Vehicles?
AV’s in the Larger Mobility Picture
- The Planning Report (2016) “Mobility as a Service” Central to LADOT’s New Urban Mobility Vision
- Ford Motor Company (2017) The Partnerships That Get the City of Tomorrow Moving: Mobility companies are thinking beyond cars and working with cities to give streets back to its citizens
- The Future of Mobility for Military Installations* (2017) https://medium.com/@brandonhnewell/the-future-of-mobility-for-military-installations-21730794055a
- Transportation Sustainability Research Center, UC Berkeley* (2014) https://itspubs.ucdavis.edu/files/carsharing_taxi.pdf
- Effects of Next-Generation Vehicles on Travel Demand & Highway Capacity, Fehr & Peers (2014) http://www.fehrandpeers.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/FP_Think_Next_Gen_Vehicle_White_Paper_FINAL.pdf
- Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism (2017) https://nacto.org/publication/bau/blueprint-for-autonomous-urbanism
Planning for AV’s: Call to Action
- S&ME (2017) Planning for Proliferation of Autonomous Vehicles and Its Impact on the Future of Urban Mobility
- CityLab (2017) 8 Bright Ideas for Driverless Cities
- Planetizen (2017) A New Policy Agenda for Autonomous Vehicles: It's Time to Lead Innovation
- Driving to Driverless, a Guide for Government Agencies* (2016) http://www.wsp-pb.com/Globaln/USA/Transportation%20and%20Infrastructure/driving-towards-driverless-WBP-Fellow-monograph-lauren-isaac-feb-24-2016.pdf
Media Links
- Voice of San Diego Podcast (2017) Our Driverless Car- and New Arena-Filled Future
- KPBS (2017) San Diego’s Driverless Car Tests Get People Thinking