Circulate San Diego as an organization is an advocate for and prominent supporter of safe and accessible bicycle infrastructure. Cycling is not just a leisure activity, it is a sustainable, economical, and efficient mode of transportation. Traveling by bike is one of the best ways to get around the San Diego region! Riding your bicycle comes with a variety of benefits:
- No need to find or pay for parking
- Lower carbon footprint
- Fun and good for your health
- Inexpensive
Circulate constantly advocates for increased bicycle infrastructure and collaborates with community members to host bicycle activities such as bike rodeos, bike rides, and walk/bike to school days.
Bike Rodeos:
Bike Rodeos are fun, interactive, and educational events to teach people of all ages and abilities how to ride safer, feel more comfortable riding, and be confident riding more often. Rodeos provide bicyclists, scooter riders, and skateboarders with an opportunity to practice and develop important skills for on-road riding, such as avoidance maneuvers, basic maintenance, and helmet fitting, in a controlled environment. Circulate San Diego’s League Certified Cycling Instructor (LCI) creates an obstacle course simulating hazards people may face as they walk, ride, and roll. Whether you are new to cycling or looking to level up your skills, a rodeo is a great chance to practice being a safe road user. If you're interested in hosting a bike rodeo with us, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Bike Rides / Bike Field Trips:
Circulate enjoys leading guided rides to showcase bike-friendly routes to popular destinations, new bike infrastructure, community art installations, and more! We optimize these routes for safety and select stops that increase awareness of San Diego's vibrant cultural history while simultaneously promoting safe and sustainable modes of transportation. These guided rides have the power to enhance neighborhood bikeability, reduce private vehicle usage, and increase public knowledge about San Diego's resources, history, and infrastructure. Rides also promote social cohesion and community engagement, bringing residents and visitors together to explore and express their love of biking. If you're interested in hosting a bike ride or bike field trip with us, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Walk/Bike to School Days:
Circulate partners with schools in the City of San Diego and the City of Chula Vista to host “Walk and Bike to School Days” encouraging children, families, and staff to walk, bike, or roll to school for a day. The hope is to inspire a culture change away from automobile commuting and increase walking and biking numbers across the school community moving forward. At the Walk and Bike to School Day, Circulate provides educational resources for walking and biking safely while incentivizing participants with snacks, reflective bracelets, bike bells, or other safety items. If you're school is interested in hosting a walk/bike to school day with us, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Bike Resources: