Circulate Endorses San Diego Measures B, C, and D
Circulate San Diego endorses ballot measures in election years. This year we are supporting measures B, C, and D in the City of San Diego.
Measure B will allow the San Diego City Council to make adjustments to trash collection fees. Currently, the law requires the City to pick up trash from most residents in single-family homes free of charge, while most residents of multi-family homes do not qualify. The ballot measure will give City Council the ability to set fees for trash pick up to create equity between multi-family residents and single family residents. It could also free up money in the general fund for other projects.
Measure C will allow more transit-oriented development in the Midway District by lifting the restrictive height limit. Measure C is a repeat of 2020's Measure E, which was approved by a 13-point margin. Unfortunately, a judge found that the city had not done sufficient environmental analysis before the ballot measure was passed. The City has now done that environmental analysis, and the measure is on the ballot again. Lifting the height limit will create new homes, jobs, and neighborhood vibrancy in an area well-served by buses, the trolley, Amtrak, and the Coaster.
Measure D will ensure access to state infrastructure funds by allowing the City to enter into project labor agreements. The independent budget analyst has concluded that the current ban on project labor agreements "may expose the city to loss of state funds for construction projects," and "raises the risk of litigation costs and related project delays." Lifting the ban removes these threats to funding.
Election day is November 8, 2022. Make sure that you are registered to vote, and vote yes on measures B, C, and D.