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Next Future of Transportation Forum Scheduled for January 25th in Encinitas


For more information on the event, featured panelists and to RSVP, please click here.

Our TOD Report is Getting Some Buzz!


Our TOD Report released this past Monday, January 9, 2016, on how the City of San Diego can better facilitate transit oriented development (TOD) has been getting some attention. The San Diego Union-Tribune and KPBS wrote stories covering the report and Colin Parent, Circulate's policy counsel and author of the report, was a featured guest on KPBS Midday Edition this week, where he spoke about his findings.

The report, titled “Transit Oriented Development,” outlines a variety of policies the City of San Diego can implement through city-wide municipal code updates. To promote more TOD, the report details proposals covering a variety of policies, from reform of parking requirements, updates to traffic models, and implementation of the City of San Diego’s groundbreaking update to the Affordable Homes Bonus Program.

Kathleen Ferrier, our Director of Advocacy, Wrote a Letter to the City Regarding the Final Design Concepts Proposed for El Cajon Boulevard

Circulate San Diego supports the improvements proposed in the Study to make walking safer along the corridor. These improvements include numerous curb extensions and new marked crosswalks. We also support the efforts to bring placemaking to the Little Saigon District through new monuments and cultural art. However, the proposed improvements exclude safe, connected bicycling facilities, and as a result will fail to reach the project’s stated goals. Further, the proposed improvements are incompatible with Vision Zero and Climate Action Plan goals adopted by the City of San Diego.

Read the full letter.

Innovations in App Technology are Helping Streamline Data Collection

The field of Safe Routes to School planning has enjoyed a certain predictable workflow over the last several years- planners and engineers meet with parents and school staff, document deficiencies through field review, and propose solutions.  While each school is different, the approach has varied very little.

Recent innovations in both mobile data collection and analysis, however, have made the process more data-driven and cost-effective. 

Read the full blog.

Photos from the TOD Release Party

We threw a party to celebrate the release of the TOD report, Monday, January 9 and invited people to join us in discussing how the city can advance TOD projects. Below is a sample of photos from that night.


To view more photos from the event, click here.