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Circulate San Diego is Hiring
Position Announcement: Director of Programs

Opening Date: January 27, 2017
Closing Date: February 17, 2017 (position will remain open until filled)
Classification: Full Time, Salaried (some evening and weekend work required)

Do you have a background in urban planning and want to have an impact on the San Diego region? Circulate San Diego, the area’s leading advocate for transportation choices and sustainable land use, is looking to fill a spot on its dynamic and talented team. This is an ideal opportunity to be a change maker in the San Diego region.

Circulate Becomes Live Well San Diego Partner
Circulate San Diego was proud to be named a "Live Well San Diego" partner by the San Diego County's Health and Human Services Agency at our January Board of Directors meeting. The County's Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten presented Circulate’s Board a proclamation issued by County Board of Supervisors declaring January 24, 2017 "Circulate San Diego Live Well San Diego Day" throughout San Diego County.

 Circulate San Diego's Future of Transportation Forum Continues to Impress
This past Wednesday evening in Encinitas Circulate San Diego hosted the second of five Future of Transportation Forums.  The Forum explored how technology, culture, and human behavior will change the way we travel from place to place in the San Diego region and beyond. A group of expert panelists provided a foward looking discussion on active transportation, advancements in technology, ride share, and transportation planning. The panelist included numerous regional thought leaders including: 

Ray Traynor (SANDAG), speaking on technological innovations for transportation

Angus Clark (HULA Car), speaking on the application of Electric Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles in the car share industry and beyond

Kathy Keehan (San Diego County Bicycle Coalition), speaking on bicycles as part of the matrix of transportation options

Dana Hook (CDM Smith), speaking on the future of transportation infrastructure

If you would like to learn more about the Future of Transportation stay tuned for details on the upcoming Forums and read the Voice of San Diego article which profiled the Forum.

How to Join Your Community Planning Group - February 23rd
Join Circulate San Diego and our partners, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition and BikeSD, for a panel and discussion on how residents of the City of San Diego can serve on their local community planning groups.

Community planning groups are an important mechanism for determining how San Diego will grow and develop. Circulate San Diego is encouraging a diverse group of committed San Diegans to participate in the City’s community planning groups RSVP here!

TOD Report Offers Solutions to San Diego Housing Shortage

Circulate San Diego released a report earlier this month on how the City of San Diego can better implement transit oriented development (“TOD”). TOD benefits housing affordability, economic development, and the climate. However, a variety of barriers exist to prevent TOD in San Diego.

This report recommends a variety of specific, detailed, and actionable policy reforms that can be adopted city-wide to implement TOD.

The full report can be viewed online at

In addition, the Voice of San Diego expanded its coverage of the regional housing shortage with two articles examining the issue:

One Term in, Faulconer Hasn’t Moved the Needle Much on New Housing

City Council’s Odd Couple Finds Common Cause on Housing