Check out this week's featured stories:
1. Intro Spotlight: Dane Thompson
2. Safe Streets Prioritized By All San Diego City Councilmembers
3. Victory at the Airport - Send a Thank you!
5. Save the Date – Circulate Momentum Awards on October 24, 2019
6. Volunteers needed for Circulate Events committee
7. How to Join Your Community Planning Group: A Recap
Intro Spotlight: Dane Thompson
Circulate's new intern, Dane Thompson has joined us for the spring. We're excited to welcome him to the team. Read his intro/spotlight to learn more about him.
To read his introductory interview, click here.
Safe Streets Prioritized By All San Diego City Councilmembers
All 9 San Diego City Councilmembers prioritized safe streets in their Budget Priority Memos for FY 2020, including fixing the Fatal 15 intersections. This is a big step and a first since the City adopted Vision Zero in 2015.
Safe streets were one of only three issues prioritized by all nine Councilmembers. This followed Circulate’s letter to City Council with our recommendations for what to prioritize to save lives on our city streets.
We’re grateful to all nine Councilmembers for making safe streets their priority. Mayor Faulconer has already committed to fixing 300 intersections by 2022, and we’re hopeful that even more safe streets improvements will be prioritized by the Mayor in this year’s budget.
Victory at the Airport - Send a Thank you!
After months of advocacy from Circulate San Diego, and pressure from other public agencies, last week the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority announced a commitment to partner on a transit connection to the Airport.
The Airport Authority staff and board deserve credit for proactively responding to calls to change their plans for the needed Terminal One expansion. Leadership from Mayor Faulconer and SANDAG were also crucial for this success.
Send a letter to the Airport Authority staff and board thanking them for making a bold commitment to improve transit to the airport!
Public Speaking Training
Circulate San Diego exists as a multidisciplinary think-tank with expertise in policy and planning. We believe that policy and planning are interconnected fields and Circulate San Diego’s services are enhanced when we blend these two areas of expertise. An example of this collaboration is our public speaking training, a unique program we have developed to support community engagement in local land use.
To learn more about our public speaking trainings, check out our blog post.
Save the Date – Circulate Momentum Awards on October 24, 2019
Circulate San Diego’s annual momentum awards are scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2019. We sold out last year, and tickets can be purchased online now.
Circulate San Diego’s Momentum Awards recognize the people and projects in the San Diego region that are improving our quality of life.
The Momentum Awards provide sponsorship and visibility benefits for current-year Corporate Members. Your firm or organization can receive these benefits by signing up through our Corporate Membership page.
Volunteers needed for Circulate Events committee
Circulate San Diego maintains a variety of committees for members to participate with our work. We are currently recruiting members who can help us plan our annual gala and quarterly membership socials.
If you’re a fun person who likes helping other people have fun, please consider joining! We meet every second Monday from 4-5 pm at Circulate. If you’re interested, email Colin Parent with a statement of interest at [email protected].
How to Join Your Community Planning Group: A Recap
In the last month, Circulate has organized three How to Join Your Community Planning Group (CPG) panel discussions across San Diego.
Our first, in North Park, included a special guest appearance by Councilmember Chris Ward. Our second was co-organized with Mid-City CAN, City Heights CDC, and the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans and focused on the City Heights Area Planning Committee. Our third event included panelists from the beach communities sharing their unique experiences.
Live in the City of San Diego? Find the agenda for your community and consider attending and voting in your CPG’s upcoming elections! Thank you to SDG&E for your support of our CPG education and outreach.