Circulate Sponsors Middle Income Bonus Bill, AB 1287

On February 24th, Circulate joined Assemblymember David Alvarez to announce the introduction of his middle income bonus bill. The bill is sponsored by Circulate San Diego, SPUR, and the Bay Area Council.
The bill, number AB 1287, would build on existing state density bonus law by allowing even greater bonuses if a developer maxes out the existing density bonus law, and creates homes affordable to middle-income families.
Circulate Presentation at the City of San Diego’s Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Circulate San Diego’s Executive Director and General Counsel Colin Parent was invited to testify at the City of San Diego.
Circualte released its initial report on Vision Zero in 2015. In that time, it has become a major goal for the City and its elected officials. Circulate has also partnered with the San Diego Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety to provide education and encouragement for street safety through a series of annual grants.
Mid-Coast Report Wrap Up

On February 14th, Circulate San Diego released our latest report, "Making the Most of the Mid-Coast Trolley."
The report was announced at a press conference where Circulate staff were joined by Congressman Scott Peters, as well as supporters from the life science industry and university community.
With the completion of Mid-Coast Trolley Extension, the San Diego Region has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to grow its biotech economy, connect homes to jobs, and to address climate change. Circulate San Diego is publishing a report that outlines and advocates for a robust update to nearby land use rules like the University Community Plan (UCPG), improved feeder bus and bicycle facilities, and other supportive policies. The effort will drive public and press discussions to support more development and smart growth in the area.
Special thank you our valued report sponsors: Alexandria Real Estate, BioMed Realty, UCSD, San Diego Association of Realtors, F & F Income Properties, Garden Communities, IQHQ, Mid-Coast Transit Constructors, Protea Properties, ShopCore, Kimley-Horn, and Bartell Hotels
Lunch and Learn: Making the Most of the Mid-Coast Trolley

Circulate hosted a lunch and learn event about our latest report, Making the Most of the Mid-Coast Trolley. The report gives recommendations for how to improve economic growth, climate action, and equitable outcomes by allowing growth and building infrastructure near the Mid-Coast Trolley.
The presentation was a great success! We had over 60 attendees, including staff for some of our elected officials.
Boston Avenue Park Groundbreaking THIS Saturday

This Saturday, March 4th, from 10 AM to 12 PM please join Circulate at 2900 Boston Avenue in Barrio Logan for the groundbreaking ceremony of a brand new park.
Boston Avenue Linear Park will be constructed in an area of San Diego that greatly needs improved access to green space, and we’ll be conducting a variety of engagement activities to learn more about what residents would like to see in terms of traffic calming, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and placemaking.
Organized by the Environmental Health Coalition, this event will kick off the construction process of a linear park advocated for and designed by Logan residents several years ago.
Circulate will be in attendance supporting this groundbreaking as well as gathering community input on our Safe Routes to Parks project, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Circulate News
Contention building over San Diego proposal set to address housing, transit issues, Fox5, February 13, 2023
More Housing, Jobs in University City Seen Key to Success of Trolley Extension, Times of San Diego, February 13, 2023
San Diego City Council passes plan for sustainable development areas, CBS 8, February 14, 2023
With San Diego's Mid-Coast Trolley Extension Complete, Focus Turns to Economic Potential Along Route, NBC7, February 14, 2023
Planners seek input on Oceanside Transit Center redevelopment, North Coast Current, February 17, 2023
Circulate San Diego releases report: Making the Most of the Mid-Coast Trolley,, February 22, 2023
San Diego Expands Transit Oriented Zoning From a Half-Mile to a Mile, Planetizen, February 23, 2023
San Diego’s new housing policies aim to boost racial integration, reverse lingering effects of redlining, The San Diego Union Tribune, February 25, 2023
Bill offers incentives to build middle income housing, KPBS, February 28, 2023Media Monitoring Suite, TVEyes, February 28, 2023
Circulate San Diego Exec. Director Colin Parent testifies at Calif. Legislature, Calls for Improved Transit, east County Magazine, March 1, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Circulate San Diego Releases Report “Making the Most of the Mid-Coast Trolley”, February 14, 2023
Press Release: Circulate San Diego Executive Director Colin Parent Testifies in California Legislature on the Future of Transit Funding, February 28, 2023