Check out this week's featured stories.
Walk to Work Day 2019 is April 5th!
Circulate San Diego invites you to participate in Walk to Work Day 2019 this year on Friday, April 5, 2019! We're hosting a pit stop at Wells Fargo Plaza in downtown. Walk to work that day and join us at our booth, where we'll have coffee and light refreshments to help you get your workday started right!
Even if you can’t commit to walking to work, consider incorporating walking into your commute that day, perhaps as part of a leg with transit.
To RSVP and put Walk to Work Day on your calendar, click here.
Older Adult Pedestrian Safety Presentation
The Circulate Planning team has been out in the field providing trainings to residents of all ages about pedestrian safety. Circulate is better known for our school-based education, but we also provide education trainings to other populations, including older adults. Circulate recognizes the importance of pedestrian education for older adults because of this population’s vulnerability to injury when walking in and around our community. These trainings focus on better preparing older adults to keep themselves safe as they are out walking, and include topics on:
- How your environment impacts your safety
- How you (the pedestrian) impact your safety
- How we can improve safety
Within these topic areas, residents take away lessons about safety, including:
- Being alert (reading your environment, recognizing how you are feeling, picking your route based on comfort and safety)
- Being seen (wearing visible clothing, walking in a group when possible, watching for vehicle behaviors like backing out)
- Reporting issues (learn who is in charge of making safety improvements)
If you are interested in hosting a pedestrian safety training for older adults in your community, please contact Catherine Thibault, Director of Planning at [email protected].
Our Executive Director Colin Parent on Smart Growth America Podcast
On this month’s Building Better Communities with Transit podcast, Smart Growth America talks with our Executive Director Colin Parent. As Colin notes, much of the renewed interest and support for transit and TOD is being driven by one thing: the housing crisis.
A fair amount of what Colin covers on the podcast is happening in real time. City leaders like Republican Mayor Kevin Falconer have become more vocal and assertive around new housing and are relaxing height limits and parking requirements across the city, including along the mid-coast transit corridor currently under construction. In fact, last Monday (March 4) the city voted to eliminate parking minimums and require parking costs to be unbundled from housing costs in "transit priority areas."
Fond Farewell from Circulate Intern Kaela Chavez
Hello! My name is Kaela. I’m originally from the Bay Area, and I moved down to San Diego a little over four years ago to start as an undergrad at UC San Diego. At UC San Diego, I studied public health and urban planning, and became interested in how policy can shape the built environment and health, especially for marginalized communities.
I wanted to get involved with Circulate because I was interested in housing and mobility equity, and I saw they were doing really important work in terms of advocating for important and positive change in San Diego. Throughout my internship with Circulate, I’ve had many opportunities to learn and grow my understanding of different issues. I’ve gotten to work on exciting projects like Livable La Mesa, attend press conferences and meetings at SANDAG and MTS, research different policies, and help draft letters of support.
I first started interning with Circulate back in October 2018. As I’m getting ready to move back up to the Bay Area, I am so grateful for the past couple of months I’ve spent with Circulate, and I’m excited to take everything I’ve learned into the next chapter of my life. Thank you so much to the Circulate staff- it has been exciting to getting to know and learn from y’all, and I’m excited to see all the good work Circulate will do in the future.
Special thanks to our Corporate Members:
Their support allows Circulate San Diego to go "above and beyond" to advance our mission to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. Your firm, company or employer can find more information on our Corporate Membership page.
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