Check out this week's featured stories:
3. Disability Rights California: Make Pedestrian Signals Automatic for Public Safety
4. Ask an Expert - Cortez Pedestrian Safety & Infrastructure Webinar
5. Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Webinars
Bike Month Bingo!
It's time to *gear* up for Bike Month! Biking is a great social-distancing activity with physical, mental, and environmental benefits. We hope you will roll with us to celebrate this year’s unusual Bike Month – separate but together.
If you’re looking to add some extra fun to your bike ride, Circulate has created a Bike Month Bingo game. You can download the game board and find more information on Bike Month at our Bike Month webpage. Happy Pedaling!
Slow Streets Victory!
Last week, our Director of Policy stood with Mayor Kevin Faulconer as he announced the launch of San Diego’s slow streets pilot program. This followed weeks of coalition building, developing recommendations, and advocacy to support essential travel for all modes of transportation.
The City also announced that they will install larger crosswalk buttons for pedestrians, reopen popular bikeways that were temporarily closed, and begin a communications campaign to promote safe driving!
This announcement was not a given. While many cities have also joined the slows streets movement, Los Angeles, Chicago, and several others have not. However, thanks to the Mayor and dedicated advocates who championed the idea, we were able to help San Diego make slow streets a reality.
Still, more work remains to automate pedestrian crosswalk buttons–beg buttons–so that people walking do not have to press a button to get permission to cross a signalized intersection. No one should have to use an elbow, foot, or other creative means to avoid pressing a button during a pandemic in order to cross the street.
Disability Rights California: Make Pedestrian Signals Automatic for Public Safety
On April 29th, Disability Rights California submitted a letter supporting our recommendation to replace push activated pedestrian signals with automatic pedestrian signals.
Disability Rights California is a non-profit agency established under federal law to protect, advocate for and advance the human, legal and service rights of Californians with disabilities.
Automatic pedestrian signals which allow people to cross a street without touching a sensor or button are critical to allowing pedestrians to maintain a safe social distance and to minimize the need to touch public surfaces which can spread the virus.
Read Disability Rights California letter and the Slow Streets Coalition letter to San Diego regional leaders here.
Ask an Expert - Cortez Pedestrian Safety & Infrastructure Webinar
Calling all Downtown San Diego Cortez residents and business owners! Join Circulate San Diego, the Cortez Hill Active Residents Group (CHARG), and the Downtown Partnership on May 28th for an online conversation about pedestrian safety and infrastructure in the Cortez neighborhood. This conversation is a continuation of the 2019 Cortez Mobility Assessment and Recommendations Report efforts.
Hosted via Zoom, this is an opportunity to ask City staff and design professionals your questions about mobility in the Cortez neighborhood. We’ll be discussing crosswalk safety, Downtown bicycle facilities, sidewalk improvements, and how projects move from recommendations to on-the-ground improvements.
May 28, 2020 at 3pm - 4pm
Zoom (Provided upon RSVP)
Register for this free webinar here: http://www.circulatesd.org/charg_ask_an_expert
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Webinars
California’s Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program is providing hundreds of millions every funding cycle to affordable housing, transit, and active transportation.
Join SGC’s technical assistance providers as they walk you through the ins and outs of the AHSC Program in a series of free webinars.
To register for the first series, click on the links below. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Alejandro Huerta ([email protected]).
AHSC 101: May 19, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
- Fundamentals of the AHSC program (threshold requirements, eligible capital projects)
- Creating a competitive application
- Case studies
Rural Innovation Project Area Webinar: May 21, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
- Lessons learned from rural communities’ experiences
- Key strategies for rural applications
- Moving your project forward
Roles of Public Partners: May 27, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
- Role that cities/counties and transit agencies play in scoping key elements of an AHSC project
- How public partners can help strengthen applications
- The benefits an AHSC project can bring to your community
Climate Action Plan Survey
The City of San Diego is updating its landmark Climate Action Plan and they want to hear your ideas for creating a
better tomorrow. Our Climate, Our Future will guide the next steps for an equitable and sustainable City.
Make your voice heard to shape the updated Climate Action Plan. Share your vision at SDClimateSurvey.org!