Shifting Gears in Transportation - San Diego's Conversation on SB 743 Continues
Last week Circulate San Diego co-hosted a workshop on the implementation of SB 743 with Caltrans, the City of San Diego, and local chapters of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Planning Association, Women in Transportation, and the Association of Environmental Professionals.
Traffic engineers, planners, CEQA professionals, and complete streets advocates came together last week to usher in a new era for transportation in the San Diego region. Under the rubric of Senate Bill 743, the conversation focused on upcoming changes to transportation analyses, planning and implementation imposed by the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage smart growth development.
Learn more about the workshop by reading the entire blog post here.
A Cheaper, More User-Friendly Process Would Encourage More Parklets in San Diego
Voice of San Diego recently reported a shortfall of parklets constructed in San Diego, only two in the last three years. They compared San Diego to San Francisco, where parklets originated, and where 60 parklets have been constructed.
The difference is all in the approach. At Circulate, we have been studying creative placemaking in cities across the U.S. and have found that a user-friendly process is key to success. San Francisco for example, created a Parklet Manual to outline the permit process and encourage more applications, especially from neighborhood folks who have not typically gone through a permit process before. Cities like Los Angeles and Seattle have followed the example.
Read the entire blog post here.
Upcoming Workshop for #BalboaStationPlan Project
Next Tuesday, May 24, the project team will be presenting preliminary recommendations to the Pacific Beach Planning Group Balboa Transit Subcommittee. The meeting will take place from 6 – 8 pm at the PB Library, located at 4275 Cass St, San Diego, CA 92109. We invite all community members to attend so that you can learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide input!
Representatives from SANDAG will also be present to talk about the opportunity to convert the future trolley station at Balboa Avenue into a mobility hub. To view the agenda visit the project website and click on the upcoming events tab.
Online engagement update: So far, 408 people have visited the project site, and 108 people have completed the online survey. If you live, work, or frequently visit Pacific Beach and/or Clairemont, we want to hear from you! Please take a moment to take the survey.
Summer Internship Opportunity
Are you a college student looking to intern or volunteer for a meaningful cause this summer? We’re looking for interns to work 1 – 2 days per week starting in June. If you have graphic design skills or are studying urban planning, we’d love to talk to you. Please tell us about yourself by clicking here.