Check out this week's featured stories:
1. Looking Forward: COVID-19 Response and Pedestrian Mobility in Cortez
2. Good Bargain: Circulate Releases Report on Affordable Homes Density Bonus Program Success
3. AB 2345 Passes Assembly Housing Committee
5. Move Free SD Portrait Exhibit
Looking Forward: COVID-19 Response and Pedestrian Mobility in Cortez
Calling all Downtown San Diego Cortez residents and business owners! Join Circulate San Diego, the Cortez Hill Active Residents Group (CHARG), and the Downtown Partnership on May 28th for an online conversation about Looking Forward: COVID-19 Response and Pedestrian Mobility in Cortez.
This webinar is a great opportunity to ask local professionals about what the COVID-19 recovery and urban process looks like as it relates to mobility in Cortez. Discussion topics will include social distancing, economic development, and neighborhood vitality and how to quickly implement solutions.
May 28, 2020 at 3pm - 4pm
Zoom (Provided upon RSVP)
Register for this free webinar here: http://www.circulatesd.org/cortez_covid19_response_and_mobility
Good Bargain: Circulate Releases Report on Affordable Homes Density Bonus Program Success
This week, Circulate released our latest report: Good Bargain. The City of San Diego’s new Affordable Homes Bonus Program (AHBP) created a surge in project approvals, and is set to produce more market-rate and affordable homes.
This report contains an analysis of 20 months of entitlement data under the AHBP from the City of San Diego’s Housing Commission and Development Services Department. That entitlement data was compared to 12 years of production under the City’s implementation of California Density Bonus Law.
City data shows that the new AHBP is creating substantially more homes than California Density Bonus Law alone, with annual increases for entitlements including:
- 490 percent increase for the number of projects applying to use the program
- 551 percent increase for the number of deed-restricted affordable homes entitled
- 356 percent increase for combined affordable and market-rate homes entitled
Read the report here: http://www.circulatesd.org/goodbargain
Our report received coverage by KPBS and the Times of San Diego.
AB 2345 Passes Assembly Housing Committee
On Wednesday, Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez’s AB 2345, passed through the Assembly Housing Committee. AB 2345 will extend San Diego’s Affordable Homes Bonus Program, which is the subject of Good Bargain, statewide. Colin Parent spoke as a primary witness in support of the bill.
Circulate is a co-sponsor of the bill, along with Up For Growth. Click here to learn more about AB 2345 and to endorse the bill.
Support for Curbside Permits to Help Businesses Creatively Use Parking and the Public Right of Way
Circulate supports the creation of a Curbside Permit to allow for the creative use of parking and the public right of way to operate outside and adhere to public safety guidelines.
We submitted a letter to County elected officials with recommendations for the development of the permit and the creation of design guidelines for easy implementation of the Curbside Permits.
We also co-signed a letter with the Downtown San Diego Partnership supporting their recommendations for Curbside Permits in the Downtown community.
Circulate San Diego has experience developing policy and working with jurisdictions on changes to their built environment. We are available to help jurisdictions that wish to implement these recommendations to support vibrant neighborhoods and to recover the economy.
Move Free SD Portrait Exhibit
Like many of you, Circulate continues to adapt to our new reality of social distancing while continuing our mission-driven work. Originally planned as our March Membership Mixer and a pop-up event for CicloSDias, we’ve transitioned the Move Free SD Portrait Exhibit to a digital platform for all to enjoy!
The Move Free SD Portrait Series showcases the portraits of over 50 San Diego County residents who commute using sustainable transportation modes. We encourage you to take a break, grab a beverage, and take a virtual trip to the Move Free SD Portrait Series Digital Exhibit here!
Move Free SD Portrait Series by the Numbers:
52 - Residents participated
7 - Council Districts represented
8 - San Diego County cities represented
5 miles - Average one-way commute via bike, scooter, trike, or electric unicycle
6 miles - Average one-way commute via bus
7 miles - Average one-way commute via trolley, Coaster, or ferry.
Want to support more creative projects like this one? Donate today!