Check out this week's featured stories:
1. San Diego FY 2020 Budget Funds More Safe Streets
2. Update from Oceanside Safe Routes to School
3. Pop up Saturday in El Cajon
4. Circulate SD has settled in at 233 A Street
San Diego FY 2020 Budget Funds More Safe Streets
The City of San Diego’s Vision Zero strategy received significant prioritization and funding in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget following 35 pedestrians killed in preventable car crashes in the 2018 calendar year. Unfortunately, while fatalities from collisions for people inside vehicles have steadily declined, pedestrian fatalities continue to rise in San Diego and across the United States.
This year, the San Diego City Council and Mayor Faulconer demonstrated their commitment to making streets safer through a number of funding measures. We thank the City Council for unanimously prioritizing Vision Zero from the beginning of the process in a budget priority memoranda, Mayor Faulconer for prioritizing Vision Zero projects in the budget and May Revise, and the City Council for adopting the budget. These investments in safe streets will save lives.
Read the full blog post with details about projects funded in the FY 2020 budget here.
Update from Oceanside Safe Routes to School
Last spring, Circulate San Diego and Alta Planning + Design (Alta) officially launched the Oceanside Safe Routes to School Project.
As the school year comes to a close, we wanted to say thank you to the Principals, Administrators, and Families who joined us for our Oceanside Safe Routes to School program this spring.
Over the last few months, Circulate San Diego, the City of Oceanside and Alta, recently completed 11 School Site Assessments and Walk Audits at schools in the Oceanside and Vista Unified School Districts. Seventy-two parents participated in their schools walk audit. We have collected commuting behavior data on students in 235 classrooms and counting. In addition, 404 parents responded to our online parent survey.
Stay tuned for more updates on our outreach events this summer and walk audits in the 2019-2020 school year! Visit the project website for more information.
Pop-up Saturday in El Cajon
On Saturday, June 1st, Circulate teamed up with the International Rescue Committee, the County of San Diego’s HHSA, and the Healthy El Cajon Coalition to host Pop-up Saturday in El Cajon!
Pop-up Saturday consisted of temporarily converting the intersection of Main Street and Avocado Boulevard in the heart of El Cajon into a pedestrian-friendly area. Between the hours of 9 am and 12 pm, we used tactical urbanism techniques like bulbouts, pedestrian refuges, greenery and plantings, corner activities, and a parklet to create a safer, more enjoyable walking environment.
Each corner of the intersection had a different intervention and participants were asked to visit each of the corners and vote on their favorite. Overall, everyone enjoyed all aspects of Pop-up Saturday, but the parklet and the bulbouts were the top favorites!
Thank you to everyone who participated! Keep an eye out for our next event in National City.
Check out more photos from El Cajon’s event by visiting the event photo album on Facebook!
Circulate SD has settled in at 233 A Street in Downtown
Circulate SD has moved and we are all settled inside the Centre City Building at 233 A Street, Suite 206, San Diego, CA 92101. We are excited to be in this lovely new space with beautiful natural light. Feel free to stop by and say hello!
Special thanks to our Corporate Members:
Their support allows Circulate San Diego to go "above and beyond" to advance our mission to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. Your firm, company or employer can find more information on our Corporate Membership page.
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