Check out this week's featured stories.
National City Community Breakfast – Come share your vision for your neighborhood
Vision Zero Comic Release Party/Membership Event - September 20
National City Community Breakfast – Come share your vision for your neighborhood
What would it take to get you to walk, bike, or take transit more? That is the question the city of National City is asking its residents, as part of a city-wide initiative called INTRA Connect. INTRA Connect is a study that aims to identify land use and transportation infrastructure improvements that could lead to the creation of “ 10 minute neighborhoods” throughout National City. A 10 minute neighborhood is a community where residents can travel short distances from home to destinations that meet their daily needs. These communities are comprised of two important characteristics:
- Destinations: a 10 minute neighborhood needs conveniently accessible destinations. Destinations may include places that meet commercial needs, recreational needs, or transportation needs
- Accessibility: a 10 minute neighborhood needs convenient destinations.
On September 8, at 10 am, National City residents are invited to attend a Community Breakfast at the MLK Jr. Community Center to meet their neighbors and discuss together amenities and improvements that could encourage them to walk, bike or use public transit more frequently within their community. If you live or have a business in National City, please join us to share a meal with us, and to discuss your vision for your city.
To learn more about the INTRA Connect, and to RSVP for the breakfast or sign up to receive project updates, visit the project site, here: www.nationalcityintraconnect.com.
New Safe Routes to School Project in Chula Vista
The San Diego County Bike Coalition and Circulate San Diego were recently selected by the Chula Vista Elementary School District to conduct a bike education program in Chula Vista. This is a project funded via a Caltrans Active Transportation grant.
The program includes the following activities:
- Safety assemblies where we will educate school children about bicycle safety
- Advocacy trainings to parents to support their efforts organizing walking and biking programs at their children’s schools
- Development of Suggested Routes to School Maps, which will highlight safest streets for children to bike and walk on their way to school, and
- Various encouragement activities such as Walk and Bike to School Day events.
We look forward to work once again with the San Diego County Bike Coalition and the Chula Vista Elementary School District to support walking and biking at 11 schools in Chula Vista.
Vision Zero Comic Release Party/Membership Event - September 20
Join Circulate San Diego for our next Membership mixer at North Park Beer Company.
We will be celebrating the release of a special super-hero themed comic book. The book is a part of our efforts to educate school children about Vision Zero and street safety. The event will feature remarks from Andrew Bowen (KPBS) and Kathleen Ferrier (City of San Diego), whose likenesses both appear in the comic.
The first 50 guests will receive a keepsake copy of the comic book. As an added bonus, our corporate member, BIRD, will be giving away free helmets to attendees. No host bar.
Date: September 20, 2018, 5:30-7:30 pm
Location: North Park Beer Company, 3038 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104
RSVP and become a Circulate member today.
Join us for a fun evening with our diverse and engaged membership for networking, drinks, music, and celebrations. Mingle with Circulate staff members, local decisionmakers, and professionals in the land use and transportation space.
Nominations Open for 2018 Momentum Awards
Nominations are Now Open:
Nominations are now open for Circulate San Diego’s annual Momentum Awards gala. Our Momentum Awards honor the people and projects in the San Diego region that are advancing excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy communities.
Nominations are due by 5:00 pm on September 4, 2018. Submit your nomination here.
Save the Date!
Join Circulate San Diego for our annual Momentum Awards gala to celebrate mobility, great neighborhoods, connected communities, and sustainable development. This year we will celebrate our *20th Anniversary!*
WHEN: October 24, 2018 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: San Diego Natural History Museum, 1788 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
RSVP: Purchase Tickets Here (early bird tickets available until September 1st)
MTS Hosts Free Ride Day
October 2, 2018 marks FREE TRANSIT DAY, the region’s first such day where the Metropolitan Transit System will offer free rides all day long to encourage residents to celebrate and ride the agency’s buses and Trolley. Public transit is an important element to the vitality of our region, taking people to work, school, shopping, health appointments, church and much more.
The Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) operates 95 bus routes and three Trolley lines on 53 miles of double-tracked railway. Every weekday 300,000 passenger trips are taken on MTS bus and Trolley services in 10 cities and the county. In FY 2018, MTS served more than 85.4 million riders.
The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System encourages all residents in its jurisdiction to join Free Transit Day, the Choose Transit movement, and embrace all the benefits transit offers such as greater mobility, financial savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Special thanks to our Corporate Members:
Their support allows Circulate San Diego to go "above and beyond" to advance our mission to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. Your firm, company or employer can find more information on our Corporate Membership page.
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