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Watch the New Vision Zero Video then Urge Mayor Faulconer to Complete and Activate the Vision Zero Strategic Plan


One year ago, San Diego City Councilmembers committed to the goal of zero traffic deaths in San Diego by 2025 by unanimously adopting a Vision Zero Resolution

One year later, there is more talk about Vision Zero than action. One year is too long to wait to save lives.

We initiated an email letter campaign this past week to allow concerned San Diego residents the ability to contact the Mayor and their Councilmember.

If you care about safe streets take action now and click here.

Release Party - Transit Oriented Development Report


You are cordially invited to join Circulate San Diego to celebrate the release of Circulate's new Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Report. 

Great cities don’t just happen, they’re planned and as part of Circulate San Diego's #PlanDiego initiative, this report will provide another building block for the City.

Circulate's TOD report recommends specific solutions the City should adopt to make transit-oriented development more economical, affordable, and environmentally sustainable.

Our launch event will be on the evening of November 14th, at Procopio's 22nd Floor Garden with panoramic views of the city.

Wine and refreshments will be served.
RSVP Here.

2016 Momentum Award Recipients

Last Wednesday evening Circulate San Diego and supporters gathered at the Natural History Museum for the Momentum Awards to celebrate mobility, great neighborhoods, connected communities, and sustainable development, and recognize the achievements of visionary civic leaders, local governments, and businesses. 

After a lengthy review process the Momentum Awards jury selected the following recipients for their extraordinary commitment to the San Diego region: 

View the Award Recipients here.

Remember to Support Transit and Vote on Election Day
Next Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day, so be sure to support transit and vote. 

You can find you Polling Place here