Check out this week's featured stories.
Mayor Faulconer Proposes Parking Reforms
Last Friday, November 10, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, proposed parking reforms with the aim of decreasing construction costs and incentivizing development near transit. This initiative is part of the Mayor's Housing SD Plan, which is a set of strategies designed to make it easier to build more homes, to address the City of San Diego's housing crisis. Mayor Faulconer's parking proposals are in line with a key recommendation Circulate made in our TOD policy report, which is to reform policy through city-wide efforts, instead of relying on making land use changes through community plan updates, which have produced modest gains in housing development. We are excited by the prospect of this proposal and are monitoring its progression closely.
For a more on what the mayor is proposing, check out this City News write up posted on KPBS.
Transit to the Aiport - We Deserve Better!
Check out our new video, and tell the Airport we need better transit connections!
Have you sent a letter to the Airport yet? Join over 380 other San Diegans letting the Airport Authority know that San Diego needs better transit to and from the Airport. It's quick and easy, just fill out a simple form and make sure your voice is heard.
Do you want to see world-class transit options at the San Diego International Airport? Let Airport leaders know. Send them a letter NOW by filling out a simple form here.
As Circulate San Diego noted in a recent letter to the Airport and thoroughly detailed Voice of San Diego's article, the Airport’s $1 billion plan to redevelop Terminal 1 does not include any serious improvements to bus or rail transit, ignoring an idea many San Diegans have pushed for years — connecting the trolley to the Airport.
Celebrating Election Day Wins!
Circulate San Diego's endorsements went three for three on election day. Circulate San Diego encouraged voters to Vote yes on Props 1 and 2, that both passed and urged voters to vote no on Prop 6, which failed.
Prop 1 approves $4 billion in bonds for housing-related programs for Veterans, Transit-Oriented Development, and Infill projects.
Prop 2 shifts $2 billion from existing funds to finance housing for individuals with mental illness.
Prop 6 would have taken away the fuel tax increase and vehicle fees that were enacted in 2017 that fund major transportation and transit projects in San Deigo.
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