Check out this week's featured stories.
Transit to the Aiport - We Deserve Better!
Check out our new video, and tell the Airport we need better transit connections!
Have you sent a letter to the Airport yet? Join over 515 other San Diegans letting the Airport Authority know that San Diego needs better transit to and from the Airport. It's quick and easy, just fill out a simple form and make sure your voice is heard.
Do you want to see world-class transit options at the San Diego International Airport? Let Airport leaders know. Send them a letter NOW by filling out a simple form here.
As Circulate San Diego noted in a recent letter to the Airport and thoroughly detailed Voice of San Diego's article, the Airport’s $1 billion plan to redevelop Terminal 1 does not include any serious improvements to bus or rail transit, ignoring an idea many San Diegans have pushed for years — connecting the trolley to the Airport.
New Planner, Who Dis?
We are happy to announce that Jana Schwartz, a planner with Circulate San Diego, passed the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) exam earlier this month to become a certified planner. Administered through the American Planning Association, the AICP certification is the only nationwide, independent verification of planners' qualifications. The process to become certified includes verifying academic and professional achievements and passing a rigorous, comprehensive examination. Jana is excited and relieved to have passed, and she hopes to never take this exam…or any exam…ever again.
As a certified planner, Jana has pledged to uphold high standards of practice, ethics, and professional conduct, and to keep her skills sharp and up to date. Jana looks forward to exercising these new letters on the planning work at Circulate. Join us in congratulating her on achieving this professional milestone!
We Say Goodbye to Star Intern
Cathy Laing, right, with Circulate Staff at the Septemeber 20, 2018 Membership Mixer.
Today was the last day of Cathy Laing's internship at Circulate San Diego. She joined the Circulate team at the beginning of the summer and during her time here, she made many significant contributions. Her GIS and graphic design skills, along with her creative nature were a tremendous resource for the organization. She created maps for both our policy and programs teams, designed custom graphics, conducted research, among many other things. We are grateful to her for volunteering her time and skills and we wish her the best on her new adventure with the Escondido planning department.
Special thanks to our Corporate Members:
Their support allows Circulate San Diego to go "above and beyond" to advance our mission to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. Your firm, company or employer can find more information on our Corporate Membership page.
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