Circulate San Diego joined a coalition letter urging key California legislators to ensure funding for the Transformative Climate Communities and Regional Climate Collaboratives programs. Both programs would help ensure climate resilience for California's most impacted and least resourced communities. Both programs were funded in the Governors May Budget Revise, but were zeroed out in the Senate's May 25 Budget proposal.
The Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program would deliver $500 Million for emissions reducing strategies, including housing with access to public transportation and active transportation. TCC would connect investments to residents impacted by multiple sources of pollution and vulnerable to the anticipated impacts of climate change, and requires robust community engagement in all phases of project development and implementation.
The Regional Climate Collaborative (RCC) program would establish capacity and technical assistance for impacted and low resource communities. RCC would convene local stakeholders, foster partnerships, and support the development of community plans and projects to advance local climate action. The program would select collaboratives to build community-driven leadership, knowledge, skills, experience, and resources to identify and access public funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.
In order to advance its greenhouse gas emissions goals, mitigate climate impacts, and advance social equity, the legislature must ensure that these programs are funded. Read the full letter here [pdf].