Complete Streets are projects that are being implemented throughout San Diego to improve mobility and safety for multiple modes of transportation. Many common improvements for the projects include widening sidewalks, reducing traffic lanes and creating bike lanes. Not only do the Complete Streets projects benefit pedestrians and bikers but they also benefit transit riders as well as drivers.
(Mission Ave., Oceanside)
Some of the benefits of Complete Streets include:
»Designing streets primarily to reduce traffic delay has had numerous unintended consequences. Complete Streets treatments offer a way to keep traffic moving while providing for other modes and meeting other community values.
» For the municipality, Complete Streets investments can increase tax collections and jobs, reduce road building and maintenance costs, reduce emergency response costs, and improve air and water quality.
» “Green street” techniques such as bioswales and porous pavements can reduce the costs of constructing roads, managing stormwater, irrigating landscaped areas, and heating and cooling.
» For the individual, Complete Streets provide cost effective health and mental health benefits,reduce transportation costs, provide safe travel for non-drivers, reduce all types of crashes, reduce noise-related stress, and create more opportunities for local shopping and entertainment.
» The health and safety benefits of Complete Streets are especially noteworthy. Every $1 spent on walking and bicycling facilities can yield between $5-$100 in benefits, depending on which benefits are counted.
(From Policy to Pavement: Implementing Complete Streets in the San Diego Region)