Circulate San Diego created the Crash Not Accident campaign with the goal of acknowledging that crashes are not “accidents” but the result of human error and behaviors. The term “accident” can lead people to believe that crashes are inevitable, whereas they can actually be prevented with careful driving, safe street design, and other Vision Zero principles.
Crash Not Accident seeks to educate residents, decision makers, and the media about the role we all play in the prevention of deaths and serious injuries on our roads. The campaign utilized a variety of print and digital platforms to raise awareness of pedestrian and bicyclist fatal crashes and serious injuries in the City of San Diego, as reported by the San Diego Police Department Watch Commander’s Log.
Following each fatal crash, Circulate designed and installed custom memorials at crash locations to honor the life that was lost and bring attention to infrastructure deficiencies. Each memorial was accompanied by a press release and social media content to bring attention to the crash location and the loss of life.