Published June 2020
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Report Summary
Circulate San Diego, in partnership with the City of Chula Vista and Kaiser Permanente, lead the West Chula Vista Safe Route for Seniors project from May 2020 to June 2020. The purpose of this project is to understand senior (age 55+) mobility challenges and develop actionable recommendations that can be implemented by the City of Chula Vista.
Safe Routes for Seniors (SFRS), is an adaptation of the nationally recognized Safe Routes to School program framework. It focuses on creating or enhancing the built environment to be more supportive of senior mobility. SRFS is designed to increase the opportunity for physical activity, mobility, and social connections through infrastructure safety improvements and encouragement programs.
The purpose of this report is to align with existing active transportation and senior mobility planning efforts. Our data highlights the need for seniors to access places to recreate, shop, worship, and seek medical or community services. Included in this document are four recommendations with creative strategies to improve mobility needs of seniors in West Chula Vista. Ideas include programming to improve senior transit access, pedestrian safety improvements, ideas for a senior mobility media campaign, and creative vehicle-based options. Together short- and long-term programs, policies, and infrastructure improvements can greatly improve senior mobility in West Chula Vista.