In keeping with our tradition of interviewing new team members, we asked our new Policy Counsel, Will Moore a few questions...
In keeping with our tradition of interviewing new team members, we asked our new Policy Counsel, Will Moore a few questions...
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a graduate of Georgia Tech and Columbia Law School. I've practiced law for 21 years, 17 in San Diego. I've been active in public policy and political matters since I was 17 years old. I love people and I love cities. I think people make cities better and I think cities make people better. I'm excited to be joining Circulate to focus my full attention on making San Diego everything it can be for future generations.
How did I become interested in Circulate?
I've known about Circulate's mission for years. But I recall in the very early 2010s, probably at an SDLA board function, talking to Colin about restraints to urban growth in San Diego. He was headed to work for Governor Brown, while I was focused on my legal practice. I was excited for him, but I recall being envious. The intervening years have given me the ability to now choose my career path to more closely align with my interests and values. Circulate is the organization that best fits with that.
Most Memorable Facepalm or Biggest Achievement
Probably the biggest facepalm moment was being born outside of California and taking 33 years to figure out I should move here. Because this place is amazing.
My biggest achievement, though it might sound corny, is the family and friends that I have surrounded myself with. I did not come from the best circumstances, but I have traveled a very fortunate path. I have met so many good, wonderful and talented people along the way and keep them as close as I can. Perhaps it is a but corny, but really it's all I ever wanted.
If I could choose anyone, who would I pick as my mentor?
Colin, obviously.