In keeping with our tradition of interviewing new team members, we asked our new Legal Intern, Zack DeFazio-Farrell a few questions...
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a born and bred San Diegan and law student interested in modernizing San Diego’s land use and transportation policies to make this city as affordable and economically dynamic as possible. I am also interested in international trade and investment, and conduct research for a law firm about binational business with Mexico.
How did you become interested in Circulate San Diego?
I became interested in Circulate San Diego through their advocacy and policy work. Reports like “Fast Bus!” and “Making the Most of the Mid-Coast” were especially fascinating.
What’s your most memorable face palm moment? Or what is your biggest achievement to date? Choose one.
On the first date I went on with my (now) wife, I ate most of the dessert. She still reminds me about it.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Nicolas Cage hands down. Can you think of anyone else as unique and alive?