Circulate San Diego and BikeSD submitted a letter urging the City of San Diego to include funding for bus lanes, the Downtown Mobility Plan, Vision Zero outreach, and a mode shift incentive program in the FY 2022 Final Adopted Budget. The letter also urged the City to research and consider an unarmed civilian transportation enforcement division responsible for nonviolent traffic and transportation-related infractions. In addition, the letter requested that all "Sexy Streets" projects include dedicated pedestrian and bicycle right-of-way.
The Mayor’s May Budget Revise includes significant investments in Vision Zero and Complete Streets. These investments will bring us towards a safer and more equitable San Diego that provides real transportation options to a significant portion of its residents. They will also bring us closer to the mode shift goals contained in San Diego’s Climate Action Plan, which are essential for meeting our greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets.
While the Revised Proposed Budget makes many good investments, the City can and should make it better. By implementing the letter's recommendations in the Final Adopted Budget, the City will make even more progress towards its Vision Zero and Climate Action Plan goals. Read the full letter here [pdf].