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Lunch and Learn: Fast Bus!
Join us for a Lunch and Learn on October 13 at 12:00, to hear about Circulate’s new report, Fast Bus.

Bus riders are essential workers and community members who deserve quick and efficient transportation. However, transit commutes are roughly twice as long as car commutes in San Diego. Moreover, half of all greenhouse gas emissions in San Diego come from road transportation.

Making the bus run faster improves the lives of riders, while helping us meet our climate goals. Our report gives several recommendations on how we can do this:

  • Dedicated Bus-Only Lanes
  • Transit Signal Priority
  • Improved Frequencies
  • Extended Service Hours
  • Family-Friendly Fares

The program will feature a presentation and a panel discussion. Participants include

  • Denis Desmond, Director of Planning & Scheduling, San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
  • Colin Parent, Executive Director and General Counsel, Circulate San Diego
  • Jesse O'Sullivan, Policy Counsel, Circulate San Diego
  • Manu Agni, Board Member, Our Time to Act United
  • Brandon Long, Business Development Director, Hayden AI
  • Rachel Graham, Transit Rider

Join the zoom meeting here!

Read the full report here!

Special thank you to our Fast Bus! Lunch and Learn sponsor, Hayden AI; and our report sponsors, Hayden AI, San Diego State University, and UC San Diego