Join Circulate San Diego along with partners for the Leauge of Women Voters' lunch panel, "How Can Planning Groups Become a Positive Vehicle for Change?".
Community planning groups are an important mechanism for determining how San Diego will grow and develop. Circulate San Diego is encouraging a diverse group of committed San Diegans to participate in the City’s community planning groups.
Speakers will speak on:
• The value they get out of serving on a community planning group,
• Tips for how to get elected to a planning group, and
• Views on the role planning groups play in San Diego’s growth and development.
Speakers will include:
Joe La Cava, Chair, San Diego Community Planners Committee
Jeff Barfield, Past Chair, Clairemont Planning Group
Kenneth Marlborough, Chair Encanto Planning Group
Steve Hutchison, Chair, Balley Center Community Planning Group
Moderated by Bill Anderson, Past Chair, San Diego Planning Commission and Past Director, San Diego Planning Department
Urban Land Institute
American Institute of Architects
Circulate San Diego
Registration for the event is $30 by February 22nd or $35 after. Please fill out the form, then make checks payable to LWVSD, and mail to 7710 Balboa Ave. 224A, San Diego CA 92117, (858)-483-8696.
You can also register on LWVSD website with PayPal. Click on 'donate' button, amount $30, 'purpose' February Luncheon.
For more resources about joining your community planning groups, you can visit Circulate’s resource page here.