On Tuesday, Circulate joined the San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation to host a book talk the Dr. Jenny Schuetz, the author of Fixer-Upper: How to Repair America's Broken Housing Systems.
Dr. Schuetz, a senior fellow at Brookings Metro, outlined the structural problems within US housing systems that contribute to widely disparate outcomes. As Dr. Schuetz explained, unequal housing systems didn’t just emerge from natural economic and social forces. But, it was public policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments that created the bad housing outcomes we are now experiencing.
Is there a way out of our housing crisis? Yes! Dr. Schuetz outlined practical policy changes than can make stable, decent-quality housing more available and affordable for all Americans in all communities. Her housing policy reforms are essential to get folks in homes, and are vital to meet climate action goals.
Dr. Shuetz called us to action to join groups, like Circulate, advocating for important land use reform. Your support keeps land use reform front and center at public hearings, in the halls of power, and in the press. Together, with you members like you, we are working towards a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous San Diego. Invest in this future and become a member today.
Missed the event? View the recording.