For Immediate Release
Circulate San Diego to Announce 2015 Regional Walk Scorecard Rankings
San Diego, California (November 19, 2015) – The San Diego region has the 6th highest rate of pedestrian deaths in the U.S. and the number of pedestrian fatalities reported in San Diego County in 2014 showed a 35 percent increase from the previous year.The San Diego Regional Walk Scorecard rates the work each of the 18 cities are doing to respond to the need for better and safer walking conditions.
WHEN: 12 Noon, Thursday, November 19
WHERE: 12th and Imperial Transit Center, at the clock tower
WHAT: Unveiling of 2015 Regional Walk Scorecard City Rankings
WHO: Circulate San Diego, Representatives of Top 3 Ranked Cities
WHY: The Regional Walk Scorecard rates the work San Diego regional cities are doing to improve local walkability.
This is the third scorecard released by Circulate San Diego. Ratings are based on a variety of factors, including each city’s pedestrian fatality rate, infrastructure improvements completed to improve walkability, the existence of policies that support walking, and walkability ratings crowdsourced by San Diegans using a phone app developed by Circulate.
Whereas walking accounts for 13 percent of total travel trips in San Diego County, pedestrians represent 32 percent of traffic fatalities.
Circulate San Diego is a regional non-profit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn, and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth.