Report Summary
Circulate San Diego supported Alta Planning & Design and the City of Oceanside, on the multi-year Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan. Safe Routes to School is a nation-wide program that aims to create safer conditions around schools, and to encourage students, parents, and school staff to walk or bike to school. The program focuses on six main strategies: Education, Encouragement, Evaluation, Empowerment, Engineering, and Equity.
This plan is the culmination of extensive outreach, engagement, and data collection and analysis that envisions an Oceanside where all students and their families have access to safe, convenient, and healthy modes of transportation to and from school.
With funding from the California Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, the City of Oceanside and the SRTS Plan project teams spent more than two years developing its SRTS Plan, reviewing walking and biking conditions around 26 public elementary, middle, and high schools. The City and the SRTS Plan project team listened to school staff, parents and caregivers, residents, and students to understand mobility challenges around each school.