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On Monday, Circulate San Diego stood with Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Climate Action Campaign's Nicole Capretz, and affordable housing developers for the release of our latest report, Fair Share. Our report details how San Diego is not receiving its fair share of affordable housing and transportation funds.

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program is a state grant program that funds the construction of affordable housing and transportation projects that address San Diego’s homelessness and housing crisis, and greenhouse gas reductions goals. Unfortunately, the San Diego region received $14 million less than it would if it had won grant funding proportionate with the County’s share of California’s population in the last grant cycle alone.

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A number of outlets covered the report's findings:

“As this report makes clear, we need to move together as a region to make San Diego more competitive for funding that can lower housing costs, reduce traffic congestion, address climate change - all while building a San Diego for all” said County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher.

Thank you to the sponsors of Fair Share, who made it possible for us to write this report:

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