PRESS CONFERENCE: Assemblymember Alvarez and Senator Weiner introduce AB 2560 to Expand Coastal Housing Access
Contact: Will Moore, Policy Counsel, Circulate San Diego - 858-210-7999 | [email protected]
When: Friday, March 1, 2024 at 10 AM
Where: In front of The Commodore, at 200 E 31st St, National City, CA 91950.
- Assemblymember David Alvarez;
- Will Moore, Policy Counsel, Circulate San Diego;
- Rammy Cortez of Rammy Urban Infill
What: Assembly Bill 2560, authored by Assemblymember David Alvarez and Senator Scott Wiener would expand housing access in California's exclusive coastal zone by applying density bonus law, which the rest of California abides by, in that exclusive and expensive area.
On Friday, March 1, Assemblymember Alvarez will be joined by Will Moore, Policy Counsel with bill sponsor Circulate San Diego, and Rammy Cortez, a developer who uses density bonus projects to create housing. With this law, California would take one more step towards alleviating its housing crisis and improving access to our coast.
This bill would help Californians of all incomes have a better opportunity to live in our heavily segregated coastal lands. Currently, California Density Bonus Law encourages new housing for people of all income levels by allowing developers to add units if they agree to set-aside 15 percent of their base density units as permanently affordable to Very-Low-Income households. But that rule doesn't apply the same way in the coastal zone - the most exclusive and segregated part of California. Indeed, the language of the Density Bonus Act contains special language that effectively keeps Density Bonus Projects from getting built in the Coastal Zone.
AB 2560 would make it clear that the Legislature intends for the Density Bonus Program's success to be recreated statewide, removing the exception for the state's wealthiest enclaves.
Visuals: Recently completed density-bonus housing development The Commodore, at 200 E 31st St, National City, CA 91950. Assemblymember David Alvarez; Circulate CEO Will Moore; Rammy Cortez of Rammy Urban Infill, and housing advocates.
Interviews available after the press conference in both English and Spanish.
More information about AB2560 can be found here.
A pdf copy of this Media Advisory can be downloaded here.