PRESS RELEASE – October 20, 2023
Assemblymember David Alvarez presents new “Middle Income Homes Bonus” law to news media.
Contact: Will Moore, Policy Counsel, Circulate San Diego - 858-210-7999 | [email protected]
AB 1287, creating powerful new incentives to create middle-income housing, has been signed into law by Governor Newsom.AB 1287 was authored by Assemblymember David Alvarez. It was co-sponsored by Circulate San Diego, the Bay Area Council, and SPUR in San Francisco.
On Thursday, October 19, 2023, Assemblymember David Alvarez, who authored the law, discussed this important new legislation with the news media at a press conference at Los Patios, a new 30-unit apartment building which has benefitted from existing bonus incentives in the Barrio Logan neighborhood of San Diego.
When AB 1287 takes effect on January 1, 2024, it will create a new incentive for multi-family developments to include deed-restricted units that are affordable to different income levels, particularly middle-income families, which are frequently left out of affordable housing rules.
Assemblymember Alvarez explained that the program can only be used when a project maximizes the production of Very-Low, Low, or Moderate-Income units, as allowed by previous California Density Bonus Law. Only when those maximums are met does an additional bonus become available if a project includes an additional percentage of Moderate-Income homes.
Circulate San Diego’s CEO Colin Parent said “This is a major legislative accomplishment. The Middle-Income Homes Bonus program will expand housing opportunities throughout California. It benefits all Californians by encouraging construction of more homes at every income level.”
Rammy Cortez of Rammy Urban Infill, who develops infill housing using existing density bonuses, said developers like himself will be able to make more housing for all families as a result of the new legislation.
With Governor Newsom signing AB1287 into law, California takes one more step towards alleviating its housing crisis. Assemblymember Alvarez noted that the hard work continues “This is just the beginning of a lot of other important changes that we need to make in California to really focus on creating housing for the middle class.”
- Assemblymember David Alvarez speaks to gathered news media at Los Patios apartments, a small apartment complex that was built with the help of earlier density bonus legislation in the Barrio Logan neighborhood of San Diego;
- Assemblymember David Alvarez addresses the audience at Circulate San Diego’s celebration of AB1287 at BorderX Brewing in San Diego.
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit think tank dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to www.circulatesd.org.