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Media Contact: Colin Parent
Cell: (858) 442-7374
Email: [email protected]

Circulate San Diego Housing Recommendations in Mayor Faulconer’s State of the City Speech

SAN DIEGO (January 12, 2018) – During last night’s State of the City speech, Mayor Kevin Faulconer laid out a bold housing agenda that adopted a number of recommendations from Circulate San Diego.

In January 2017, Circulate San Diego released a report titled “Transit Oriented Development.” In that report, we outlined a variety of city-wide policies that could be adopted to promote the location of more market-rate and affordable homes near San Diego’s transit infrastructure.

“Circulate San Diego is a strong supporter of Kevin Faulconer’s continuing efforts to make San Diego more affordable,” said Colin Parent, Executive Director and General Counsel of Circulate San Diego. “We are glad that our research and advocacy is helping to inform the policy goals of our region’s largest city.”

Sections from Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s State of the City Speech Recommendations from Circulate San Diego’s Report on Transit Oriented Development

“This year we’re going to change our outdated parking mandates for projects near transit centers to reduce development costs and greenhouse gases.”

“Allow developments near transit to provide modestly less parking, and to satisfy some of their parking requirements with alternative transportation choices.”
“I will send legislation to the City Council to revamp fees so developers are encouraged to build smaller units that people can actually afford.” “Reform the calculation methods for development fees to remove disincentives to build compact units near transit.”

“And expand our award-winning affordable housing development program to incentivize more housing for San Diego’s middle class.”

“San Diego can further refine its [Affordable Homes Bonus] program to ensure its success going forward. A working group should be created, to develop recommendations, monitor outcomes, and evaluate other mechanisms to maximize the potential from this important program.”

About Circulate San Diego          

Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth.
