Contact: Maya Rosas
Cell: (310) 804-5256
[email protected]
Two Pedestrians Seriously Injured, Dog Killed in Collision
SAN DIEGO (August 8, 2017) – A 32-year-old man and 23-year-old woman suffered serious head injuries after a taxi cab driver hit the pedestrians and their dog in the College Area on the early morning of August 6, 2017. At approximately 5:20 AM, the driver, who was heading south on Fairmount Avenue after exiting Interstate 8, stopped to call the police after hitting the two pedestrians and the dog, who did not survive. The pedestrians were trying to cross the street. Fairmount Avenue is a high speed road with bike lanes but no sidewalks in the area where the collision happened.
“Speed is the biggest factor that determines if a pedestrian survives a collision with a car,” said Maya Rosas, Advocacy Manager for Circulate San Diego. “Serious injuries and deaths are preventable. Traffic calming makes streets safer for everyone.”
Circulate San Diego and a diverse coalition of 20 organizations have promoted a campaign for the last two years called Vision Zero, with the goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in San Diego by 2025. Mayor Faulconer and the San Diego City Council adopted a 10-year Vision Zero strategy in 2015.
The concept behind Vision Zero is that traffic deaths are preventable – through safe street design, education, and enforcement. The program has been successful in other U.S. and European cities. To date, 20 cities across the U.S. have adopted a Vision Zero goal.
Last year was the third year in a row in the City of San Diego with an increase in pedestrian deaths. In June, the City of San Diego recently committed to making improvements to the 15 most dangerous intersections, but Sunday’s injury shows that more work is needed.
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to