Report Summary
Like most Americans, San Diegans are increasingly demanding safe and attractive walking conditions, or what we in the livable communities movement call “walkability.” Walkability is something we can feel more than measure. Yet, increasingly, San Diegans recognize improved walkability as a way to improve health, increase the economic vitality of neighborhoods, and conserve natural resources. New tools are emerging to quantify the walkability of streets, neighborhoods, and cities. This report measures, for the first time, the extent to which cities in the San Diego region are responding to the call for more walkable neighborhoods.
WalkSanDiego (one of Circulate San Diego's predecessor organizations) created the Regional Walk Scorecard as a customized tool to measure walkability among the 18 cities in the San Diego region, to raise awareness of policies and funding decisions that impact walkability, and to create healthy competition among cities to champion walk-friendly policies and infrastructure.
San Diego Regional Walk Scorecard — 2012
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