You are invited to a discussion of Circulate San Diego's latest report "SANDAG Reboot," a summary of SANDAG's draft 2021 Regional Plan. The event will feature researchers from Circulate San Diego and others, for a one-hour lunch and learn. Topics covered will include:
- Allocation of funding
- Revenue sources
- Near-term frequency upgrades to bus and rail service
- The proposed network of managed lanes along San Diego freeways
- The updated plan for the Purple Line as a heavy rail project
- The Central Mobility Hub and Airport Connector
- New supporting programs and policies
- Comparisons between the 2015 Regional Plan and the 2021 draft Regional Plan
- Active transportation
Circulate San Diego is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 811 5274 7429
Passcode: 302345
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