Circulate San Diego and its partners in the Complete Streets Task Force hosted a roundtable discussion last summer to highlight opportunities and challenges with implementing the components of SB 743 legislation. We will host a second roundtable Thursday, September 28th to continue the conversation and get more in depth.
Goals and objectives of this second roundtable are to:
- Detail implementation steps for public agencies, especially as they relate to those proposed in the recently released report Smart Mobility for Smart Growth,
- Discuss the benefits of a regional process vs. individual city process to implement new legislation, and
- Hear about SANDAG’s grant to develop a regional TDM/TSM Toolbox and how it will benefit the region. Is it a path towards updating Regional TIS Guidelines?
Participants will again include representatives from professional organizations, and public agencies.
Proposed Agenda:
- Update on SB 743 legislation – Erik Ruehr
- Introduction to the purpose of the Roundtable and expected results – Circulate San Diego
- Discussion of the following questions:
- Smart Mobility for Smart Growth outlines 5 steps to guide implementation of SB 743 legislation – are these reasonable? What steps could be added?
- What steps are cities currently taking to prepare?
- What options are there to create new CEQA significance thresholds to implement a VMT policy?
- What role will SANDAG have in the implementation process?
- What is the likelihood and necessity of creating a regional process for implementation?